Updated Provider Directory Validation Training Guide

We made updates to the Provider Directory training guide due to some changes on the Availity site. We worked through the guide with providers and found areas where the additional wording would be helpful. The updated version has been posted to the website and is available by clicking the button below.

Provider Directory training guide

Provider Directory Validation Reminder

You can find the Provider Directory Validation guide under the Provider Resources section on the right rail of the website.

Providers can use the Directory Validation tool on the Availity Portal to find NPI and tax ID combinations.

No Surprises Act (NSA) requires you confirm this information every 90 days.

Confirm Today on Availity!

Preventive and Medical Billing Guidelines

Due to popular demand, we’ve increased visibility and access to the Preventive and Medical Billing Guideline PDF. The button below will take you directly to the PDF. The second button will take you to our Provider Page where we keep the most current Billing and Claims Guidelines and Resources so you can access many more information here.


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